Friday 2 December 2011

Roulette 4

Today I worked on making the trips and finishing off details on the roulette table.
 The way I made the chip was flatten a cylinder and select the right segments to colour in. the picture in the centre was taking off google and applied to a top of a cylinder, which i cut off and applied ontop of the other cylnder to mak the finished product. I changed the colours to have 5 different type of chip.

Here you can see a box that i added to the left of the roulette wheel, its been booled out of a ring and has cylinders booled out to hold the many poker chips. the poker chips took a bit of time copying and pasting. I also added legs to the table and changed the lighting a bit to make it look beter.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Roullete 3

This is the my roulette table at the moment, i added the grid and numbers on the table which was made with lots of stretched cubes and flat circle panes. i added a few diamonds on the roullette wheel aswell & a groove on the inside of the wheel. I still need to finish off the table, edit the background to make the finished render look better and i'll add chips on the table.

Friday 25 November 2011

roulette 2

here is my roulette wheel after putting on all the numbers and a few other details, it was quite time consuming but it came out looking good afterwards, i still have sall details to add on the wheel, but i think it looks great so far.

My roulette table so far

 Here is my roulette table so far, I started off with a circle which i selected half the segments and stretched out into the table shape, then inner extruded, then extruded. i added the velvet colour and the wood textures. to make the roulette wheel I made a cone, then another cone upside down with the bottom cut off, to colour in the segments i selected each segment individually and coloured them in.
there are dividers between each colour on the wheel, i first tried to use array to make 37 of them in a circle, but this seemed to not fit right when change the frequency etc. so instead copied and pasted and lined each up by hand.
The gold handel was made from a cylinder which i moved the segments in and out.

next im going to put the numbers in the segments, and on the table.

Friday 18 November 2011


Here is an imagine of a roullette wheel, i may try create the roullette wheel with table on cinema 4D, it will use different textures and lighting to make it look realistic.

Friday 11 November 2011

Bigweld dominoes

Here is my bigweld again but this time i duplicated dominoes alot of times, which took awhile because of how much stuff is going on in this build, but i think its came out looking quite good, although i think in the film the dominoes are smaller.i like the lighting on it because it shadows out alot of the dominoes and brightens the rest which makes it look more wave like.